Dystonia in children – how Ashley got help

Ashley is born with several disabilities that challenge him in everyday life. One is dystonia, a disability in children and adults that causes abnormal movements. He also has reduced muscle tone, which means he has difficulty walking and keeping his balance. Furthermore, his feet also pronate, which gives him back pain and poor posture.

VELA Children's chair for school - muscle weakness

Challenges associated with muscle weakness in children

Unfortunately, these challenges also affect Ashley’s breathing. He quickly becomes short of breath and has problems with nutrition and his heart, which also means that he is petite for his age.

There are many challenges for a young boy, but he has made it through the lower level classes and is now ready for 7th grade despite dystonia in children.

However, he needs a VELA chair to help him through the school day more easily.

Ashley goes to school every day, but it is not without its problems. Muscle weakness in children, or low muscle tone, often has a lot of back and joint pain, which is also the case for Ashley. The pain is a result of his disability, but there are also certain things at school that aggravate the situation for Ashley – but no one had been aware of this.

It was only when Ashley’s therapist visited him at school that they realised that they could do something to reduce his pain and make school far more bearable for him.

Ashley’s therapist found the cause of his discomfort

When Ashley’s therapist entered the classroom, he saw Ashley sitting on a completely ordinary chair behind a completely regular desk – not a good idea for muscle weakness in children.

It became abundantly clear that he should have a special needs chair from VELA to alleviate the pain he faced daily. In addition, people with reduced muscle tone need to be well-supported in their sitting position. 

With his VELA chair, Ashley is now completely ready to take on 7th grade.

How a VELA chair can help muscle weakness in children 

For children with reduced muscle tone, there are many benefits to using a chair from VELA. The chair has an electric raising/lowering function, which means that Ashley can continuously adapt the chair to suit the table where he is sitting. In addition, the chair has a footrest that allows Ashley to sit with his feet and legs at a 90-degree angle, which helps him in the longer term.

It also means that even though he is shorter than his peers, he can always be at the same height as his classmates. How he responds to his surroundings and participates in social relationships has a significant influence on his self-esteem. And the dystonia disability in children is less visible.

The VELA activity chairs for disabled children have smooth-running wheels that allow Ashley to take the chair to different rooms at the school. When he arrives, he locks the chair with the brake, sits down again and adjusts the chair’s height to the table. 

In addition, the chair has an ergonomic seat and backrest that offer Ashley excellent support throughout the day. Finally, the ideal sitting posture helps him breathe more easily and not constantly exert himself to participate in class. Furthermore, he does not tire in the same way as before.

VELA therapy chair for activity in the school

Ashley now concentrates on his schooling – not dystonia disability

The chair from VELA has provided Ashley with the support he needs throughout the school day. Instead of having constant pain in his back and joints due to, e.g. dystonia disability, the chair ensures that Ashley can have breaks and save more energy during the day. 

Ashley uses his newfound energy to socialise with his friends – because now he has the energy and strength for school and friends.

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This content is based on over 50 years of development and expertise in VELA Chairs, with a global reach reflected in the sale of over 500,000 chairs worldwide. This page is a collaborative effort with the author.