How we make our chairs

We make chairs at VELA – a lot of chairs. Therefore, we base our entire production flow on finding the perfect chair for you and your needs and producing it for you at our production facilities in Aalborg.

In this way, we ensure that the chair matches your needs perfectly since we only start the production after you’ve ordered it.

Assembly and quality check of a VELA Tango
Customer service - VELA


When we receive your order, the chair begins its production journey.


Firstly, the different parts of your chair are collected on our warehouse shelves by our competent warehouse staff at the production facilities in Aalborg. All the parts from our subcontractors are quality assured before being placed on the shelves.

Furthermore, all our subcontractors are continuously quality assured with regards to Factlines


We produce the backrest, seat, and other padded parts in our padding workshop, where our skilled padding staff assemble foam types and textiles in the desired colour for your specific chair.


All the parts of the chair are assembled by our skilled fitters who also ensure that the finished product undergoes quality assurance, both in terms of functionality and finish.


All VELA chairs have a unique ID number, which guarantees that we always know precisely how your chair has been assembled (e.g., if you have questions or service needs).


We always take photos of the finished product to know exactly how it looks when we ship it off to you.


The chair is checked yet again by our manufacturer’s inspection to ensure that the quality is superb and that everything is perfectly functioning before we ship it from the factory.


At last, the chair is packaged carefully in FSC certified packaging and shipped to you with a carrier.

VELA is certified within the quality and environmental management system regarding ISO9001 and ISO14001. We have a transparent quality and environmental policy that is adhered to by all the company’s employees. By these means, we stay focused on the customer’s satisfaction. We continually work towards improving products and processes based on specific objectives to fulfil requirements by both our customers and the authorities.