Get started with your VELA Chair

Optimise your VELA Chair for maximum support by adjusting it to fit your needs. Please read the user manual or watch the step-by-step video guides here.


User manuals

The user manual for your chair in your preferred language is available here. This comprehensive guide will help you understand how all the features work, ensuring you get the most out of your chair.

Additionally, it provides detailed troubleshooting tips to help you resolve any issues you may encounter. Whether you are adjusting the chair for the first time or need help with specific functions, this manual is your go-to resource for getting the most benefits from the chair.

Find my user manual

Choose which chair you would like an introduction video for

Let’s get started with VELA Tango 700/700E adult chair


Follow this video to make the most of your VELA Chair

Step-by-step video guide on using and adjusting your chair.

Let’s get started with VELA Tango 300/300E/310E bariatric chair


Follow this video to make the most of your VELA Chair

Step-by-step video guide on using and adjusting your chair.

Let’s get started with VELA Tango 600ES + 600S children’s chair


Follow this video to make the most of your VELA Chair

Step-by-step video guide on using and adjusting your chair.

Share your experiences with your VELA Chair

Share your experiences with others who could benefit and help more people achieve independence. Please write your review here to help others.

Write your review here